Qatar Independent Trader Procurement Agency            
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  1. أحدث الأخبار
    Doha: 22/1/2024
    Qatar, formerly the State of Qatar, gained independence on 1 Sept 1971 from the British protectorate. With a total area of 11,581 Square Km and a population of 2.8 Million people, Qatar ranks fourth worldwide with regard to the government usage of ICT, according to the World Economic Forum's Global Information Technology Report 2014.
    Bin Zaid Center Introduces the Islamic Culture and the Qatari Customs to Communities and Tourists
    The currency of Qatar is Rial. As per IMF 2019 estimates on nominal value Qatar stands at 52 Position with GDP of 191 Billion USD. And on a per capita income basis Qatar stands at 6Th position with income of USD 66,202. With the world's third largest reserve of natural gas, Qatar earns 85% of foreign earnings through the export of natural gas and other petroleum products.
    Muhammad Al-Fatih: about whom the Prophet gave glad tidings
    Petroleum and natural gas are the cornerstones of Qatar's economy and account for more than 70% of total government revenue, more than 60% of gross domestic product, and roughly 85% of export earnings. Qatar has the world's third largest proven natural gas reserve and is the second-largest exporter of natural gas.
    Muhammad Al-Fatih: about whom the Prophet gave glad tidings
    The public procurement in Qatar is governed by Law no. 24 of 2015 on Regulation of Tenders and Auctions (the "New Procurement Law") which came in to existence on 13 June 2016, and apply to all government ministries, agencies, authorities and institutions except Qatar Investment Authority, Qatar Petroleum, the police and defence forces and institutions where contracts could be of confidential nature. Some of the main objectives of the new law are: promote greater efficiency in public procurement, decentralizing the tendering process, streamlining dispute resolution process, use of two-stage tendering and exempting SMEs from being required to provide performance bonds and payment guarantees.
    Thinking Well of Others Relieves the Heart

The Independent Procurement Agency of Qatar is on a campaign against corruption and all forms of graft practices relating to Public Procurement. All Public Officials are expected to deliver their services in accordance with high ethical standard. Please report any Government official who solicits for a bribe or is involved in any corrupt activity to:
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Qatar Independent Trader Procurement Agency
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المزيد من المقالات
Mankind, in general, has maintained a belief in the existence of the Creator of the Universe since time immemorial.
المزيد من المقالات
Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam
Qawareer (Women)
المزيد من المقالات
Most scholars group the main aspects of the methodology of the Companions may Allah be pleased with them in preserving